One of the newest and most successful politicians with entrepreneur mindset in Cambodia, SAMGHENG BORA.

Let's examine one of his creations.

Several brands have been launched by Samheng Bora around Phnom Penh. 

The Pleng Chan family.

In 2017, he designed a coffee shop concept with a garden feel inside the shop, investing about 40 thousand dollars. First shop was located in Toul Tom Pong, where the project failed due to many obstacles. Lack of customers, lack of funds, lack of skills, etc., but he didn’t give up. The second one was even larger. 

Pleng Chan BKK Facebook Page

Pleng Chang BKK

This is the full version of his creation. The shop was mainly designed and implemented by him. He also monitors the operation and recruits the team members. Building something is all about doing it yourself. Nobody knows what goes on inside your head. From strategy to daily operations, he set everything up and the place became a hub from young professionals and youths. For customers, there are events scheduled every weekend, such as drawing workshops and personal development workshops. He has established a culture for this creation, which is greatly appreciated by the customers.


As a national brand, Pleng Chan adheres to the same concept and brand throughout all the outlets. Some of the outlets were franchise models where he tried to experiment with new methods.

The core team

This chain and brand is able to provide its services because of the management of the entire chain. To achieve this, He formed a core team at the beginning of the project. A variety of operations, such as marketing, packaging, and commercial, have been centralized. Using this method, the core team is able to control the entire shop and expand the territory throughout Cambodia. While it looks like a dynamic and young generation of team, they are pushing themself a level up to be such a competitive brand within the region.

The investment

In Cambodia, the coffee business is still overcrowded.

 In this way, Pleng Chan is one of the brands that are able to generate benefits for investors.

Political figure

Currently, Samheng Bora is an undersecretary of state for the Ministry of Commerce. He supports the digitization of government 4.0, and is a very active young politician in Cambodia. Aside from that, he has been involved in several huge Cambodian development projects with international organizations like the UNDP and World Bank.

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